Gain real-time access to social media sentiment
and investment ideas
Real-time insights on market sentiment for top stocks
investment ideas
Discover trading insights from leding financial voices.
portfolio insights
Receive customized news, analysis and sentiment for your watch list.
Analyze live social sentiment and expert opinions to make data-driven investment decisions
Social Sentiment Analytics
Track real-time sentiment from top platforms to understand stock movements and trends
Curated Trading Opinions
Discover actionable ideas sourced from financial experts and trusted social media channels
Insights for Your Portfolio
Access tailored analysis for stocks aligned with your investment objectives.
Provide instant, tailored updates to replace time-consuming manual research.
Keep investors engaged with personalized analytics and actionable social insights.
Enable smarter trading decisions with social sentiment and data-driven insights.
Offer unique AI tools not found on most brokerage platforms to differentiate your solution.